Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Your motive for action
Is lacking in substance
It's surely a nuisance
Brutal and judgmental
Assumptions rule
Facts far removed
The rhythm escaped us
Out of sync and awkward
now moving backward
Undoing good deeds
Up-rooting seeds
Of promise

My Character crucified
Under the cracked sky
Love is an obstacle
Packed with lessons to learn
Tomorrow may find me wiser
But today I got burned
If you learned anything
The last round was worth it
Love is a battlefield
There's No way to skirt it
In the end
who deserves this
Degradation that demoralizes us
Leaving us transfixed
Unhealthy thoughts permeating
And emotions running rampant
Cloying at beauty and wonder
Ripping love asunder
Tears well up in my eyes
Creating oceans
Losing sight of me
Going through the motions
All in my mind
When nurtured
Mother nature blessed it
I thought we were the best fit
Then fear moved in
The roof caved in
All was lost...

Perfect love casts out all fear.......

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Today I feel quiet
Reserved even
Heart's bleeding
I sometimes resent it
The one who sent it
With no instructions
How do I repair it
When it's all in pieces
What is the purpose
Of all this
Holding it makes me nervous
Why can't it behave
Enslaved to the rhythm
Entangled in the beat
Always on the hunt
For something sweet
No rest for the loveless
Heart's unruly
Trusting the thief
To run away with my goods
Leaving behind thorns and thistles
Eyes that drizzle
Acid rain
Energy drained
Broken to the core
Love no more...
