Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The dam broke
Leaking lies all over
Unearthing resentment
And shrugged shoulders

The tales spun
Spun out of control
Emotions arose and swallowed them whole
Deep in angers belly
War was conjured
But they didn't anticipate the casualties in the end
Their families and children
Everything they were building
ripped to shreds

The whole house divided by itself
Then fell in a rubble
The foundation was unstable to begin with
How can one build on deception and drama
When we must answer to karma in the end
How could you love her
if you were never even friends

From Reflections: Enter the mind of a broken Butterfly by Moshia Pen


After rage has subsided
Acceptance creeps into
The shattered heart
Allowing the battered parts
To seek healing
From feeling exhausted
Winter defrosted
Let the sun shine in
Time to smile again....

-Moshia Pen

Monday, November 19, 2012

Your joy factor will remain constant as you are continually refining your ideas of what you want, and that's why it is so important for you to get everybody else out of the equation. They've got their own game going on; they don't understand your game. Give them a break; stop asking them what they think. Start paying attention to how you feel. Joy will be yours immediately, and everything else that you have ever thought would make you happy, will start flowing, seemingly effortlessly, into your experience.
--- Abraham