Wednesday, December 19, 2012


She sits right outside me
Guiding me
She teaches me to sing
When my eyes well up with tears
She soothes away my fears

Never far from me
We vibe on the same plane
She even gives me warning
When it's about to rain

It's my own fault if I don't listen
And make heavy my plight
Even so she's right here to help me
And coax me to the light
She's my conscience
My advisor
The god that lives inside her and without
She's everything I dream about
And aspire to be
Even though she's already


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


My mind is equipped with a ready writer and a pen
Who told me dreams come true if you record them
So I started to take long walks in my mind 
And write down what I find
Now the writer and I are in sync
All day long I write what she thinks
And beautiful words eloquently penned
Finds its way from my mind to my fingers then print
My only chore is to listen for the writers cue 
Then instruct pen what to do
And write my life...

-Moshia' Pen

From my REFLECTIONS: Enter the Mind of a Broken Butterfly
available on Amazon and Create Space.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A book of poetry expressing the inner thoughts, feelings and emotions of a broken butterfly learning to fly again. I write poems that express how I feel in hopes of helping others to heal their broken wings, and to let them know someone out there can identify with their feelings.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


It's time to stop circling the mountain
and make the climb
It's as simple as a shift in mind
Time to stop blaming them for your plight
Time to love yourself in-spite of your flaws
I know what they did
but you were the cause
Time to stop lying and using people
Stop hurting yourself
And do right by you

Relationships can get pretty stormy
Trying to fold them like origami
You can't fix everything with I'm sorry
Sometimes we suffer the worst
Decisions made on the spur
Continue to impact life long after conception
We must carefully weigh our decisions
Before they cause us division of the worst kind
Between the spiritual and mankind
One shouldn't be so blind they can't see
The only enemy they possess
Is in the heart they carry in their chest...

- Moshia Pen

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The dam broke
Leaking lies all over
Unearthing resentment
And shrugged shoulders

The tales spun
Spun out of control
Emotions arose and swallowed them whole
Deep in angers belly
War was conjured
But they didn't anticipate the casualties in the end
Their families and children
Everything they were building
ripped to shreds

The whole house divided by itself
Then fell in a rubble
The foundation was unstable to begin with
How can one build on deception and drama
When we must answer to karma in the end
How could you love her
if you were never even friends

From Reflections: Enter the mind of a broken Butterfly by Moshia Pen


After rage has subsided
Acceptance creeps into
The shattered heart
Allowing the battered parts
To seek healing
From feeling exhausted
Winter defrosted
Let the sun shine in
Time to smile again....

-Moshia Pen

Monday, November 19, 2012

Your joy factor will remain constant as you are continually refining your ideas of what you want, and that's why it is so important for you to get everybody else out of the equation. They've got their own game going on; they don't understand your game. Give them a break; stop asking them what they think. Start paying attention to how you feel. Joy will be yours immediately, and everything else that you have ever thought would make you happy, will start flowing, seemingly effortlessly, into your experience.
--- Abraham

Monday, October 8, 2012


Fresh like morning coffee
Brewing in life's kitchen
My mind is alert and sharp
Like a candle in the dark
held high

I view the open sky with amusement
It's no coincidence
That the ether and I are kin
We are both made of the same thing
Dark matter
And darkness matters more than you think

Use your instincts
Let them guide you
To the god that lives inside you
Inside us all
It's no coincidence
That we need each other
We are all one
With the same mother


Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Your motive for action
Is lacking in substance
It's surely a nuisance
Brutal and judgmental
Assumptions rule
Facts far removed
The rhythm escaped us
Out of sync and awkward
now moving backward
Undoing good deeds
Up-rooting seeds
Of promise

My Character crucified
Under the cracked sky
Love is an obstacle
Packed with lessons to learn
Tomorrow may find me wiser
But today I got burned
If you learned anything
The last round was worth it
Love is a battlefield
There's No way to skirt it
In the end
who deserves this
Degradation that demoralizes us
Leaving us transfixed
Unhealthy thoughts permeating
And emotions running rampant
Cloying at beauty and wonder
Ripping love asunder
Tears well up in my eyes
Creating oceans
Losing sight of me
Going through the motions
All in my mind
When nurtured
Mother nature blessed it
I thought we were the best fit
Then fear moved in
The roof caved in
All was lost...

Perfect love casts out all fear.......

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Today I feel quiet
Reserved even
Heart's bleeding
I sometimes resent it
The one who sent it
With no instructions
How do I repair it
When it's all in pieces
What is the purpose
Of all this
Holding it makes me nervous
Why can't it behave
Enslaved to the rhythm
Entangled in the beat
Always on the hunt
For something sweet
No rest for the loveless
Heart's unruly
Trusting the thief
To run away with my goods
Leaving behind thorns and thistles
Eyes that drizzle
Acid rain
Energy drained
Broken to the core
Love no more...


Saturday, July 14, 2012


What would you do if you were me?
Would you decide to avoid been taken on those rocks at 9? 
Would you decide not to get fondled all the time 
by strange men that were friends, neighbors and family? 
What would you have done at 13 on the run? 
Running from your family because they don't understand you
even when your not wrong they still reprimand you. 
How would you deal with your uncle raping you
not knowing that his ugliness was slowly shaping you? 
How would you escape from the memories and pain? 
How would you salvage you from the stain? 
How would you handle your 1st consented sexual excursion? 
How could you be certain?  
Do you think you could endure, 
without turning out a whore, or even, an addict? 
Would you panic or be composed 
pack them away neatly or explode? 
Would you loose your mind, 
Or walk around looking crazy all the time, 
can't even concentrate but your forced to walk a line? 
Would you  kill yourself spazzing from the pain of being you? 
I grew
But what would you do?


Monday, June 25, 2012


Some friends are easy to lose
You know the ones that use you anyway
Sad to say 
But friends can be condescending 
smiling; all the while pretending
They can't wait to see you fall off track
Get with their other friends 
And talk about you behind your back
Ha ha ha
You've got some nerve trying to give me that 
Thinking you deserve to have real friends
 I don't have time to teach you 
But I'm confident Karma will reach you 
The end...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Well I am free again. For the first time in my life, I got dumped. Lol. Serves me right. Anyway every other time I thought it was over I cried my eyes out, thinking of all the things I would miss. But I don't keep dwelling on things that are not soon to change. It didn't make us happy. He obsessed about inconsequential things and maybe so did I. But as I told him before we got started, I sincerely hope we both find happiness, I still say the same now. I have come to the realization that I am not ready for love. I will never be if my honesty and openness will always be used as a weapon against me. I refuse to be treated as a whore, when I know my intentions are pure. He taught me something though, fear and paranoia will drive you to destroying all possibility of happiness. I saw myself in him. But I will not allow my fears to destroy me. I wanna love him but he's too far from me.

I remember in the beginning
I had the feeling he was not mine
Now I feel stupid
I should have listened to my guide
And avoided all this pain inside
Still, I had to prove it
I don't mind being alone or celibate
But he felt so good in my arms
And I'll miss the way he looked at me
Always telling me I'm beautiful
To be truthful those days quickly passed anyway
He was more concerned with my pass than today

Here I am right before you
Open to you
So inlove
Yet you're distracted
My past is all you can think of
Presently, I am here waiting for you to love me
But you're distraction tells
Exactly what you think of me

Shame on me
For not trusting myself
And going back on my word
I deserve...


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I wanna make love to you
Not just sex for sex sake
Real love, you inside of me
And I inside of you

Our hearts and minds
And bodies connected
But when I reach out
I feel so rejected

My heart hurts
And my body aches
Let's just make love
For loves sake

Put the stars back in my eyes
While I submit with open thighs
My heart is open too
As we join I can think of only you

Make love to me papi
Make me feel like you love me
Worship every inch of my skin
Touch and taste me

Penetrate me
With your warm affections
This feels so right
So why does everything else go so wrong?


Friday, June 15, 2012


I missed him, so I stopped reading, stopped writing and decided to ask him to come in the room and chill with me. I thought a movie would be nice, a massage and a head start maybe. He was watching the reviews of some game on tv.. How about he told me I was selfish, Is there anyone out there with a penis, where did I go wrong? HUH? I just started to cry and decided I wanted back my old life. It made more sense.
I need to stop obsessing about him and focus on manifesting.
Focus is everything, which is why I'm very careful about what I choose to focus on. Always guarding my eye gates and ears, to only let the good in so I can stay positive and focus on good things. Some people find the way I choose to live aggravating, but it's my life and my choice, they need to go make some decisions of their own. This is how the broken butterfly roll. I know myself, I know what's best for me. I've made certain decisions along the way and while I'm willing to share my life and compromise certain things, the things regarding my mental health and emotional stability are written in stone. If that's hard to understand I suggest leaving me alone.
I don't watch the news, I don't read tabloids, I prefer not to listen to music that degrades women, I don't indulge in watching prejudice, perverted or twisted movies, and that's just me. This might seem geeky but that's just me. These choices were made of necessity, because they are indeed necessary. Every man has a right to choose. I AM woman and I have chosen. Some say I am crazy and I live in my own world, but we all do, it just happens I'm not pointing the finger at you.
I try not to infringe upon the rights of others. I Try to understand their pain, I try to act accordingly, It's etched in my brain. I require the same kindness. I fully realize that everyone has issues and I can accept people for who they are or leave them to grow, I require the same.

I can't be the picture you'd like to paint
And I won't get bent out of shape
I am already a masterpiece
But you keep trying to recreate me
If you can't love me the way I am
Leave me alone 

To find someone who can...



Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I like to have sex
And when I do
It feels like I become one with my lover
He and I wrapped up in each other
Our hearts clap hands in unison
The separation ends temporarily
Our breathing and movements match perfectly
We vibrate on the same plane

We create love

Express love
We connect and combine energy
Every-time he makes love to me
All that we are becomes one
New life has begun

I Love making love to a partner 
That loves me and I him
This way it actually has meaning

Sex should be sacred
Between 1 man and 1 woman
Who are totally in love 
It is the ultimate expression of 
Mating, Joining, coupling 
Skin connecting to skin
Connecting to heart 
Connecting to body and soul
Sometimes MIND too
Total oneness just between us two 
That's where we create
And recreate ourselves
Multiplying and manifesting
Now we're really sexing
Without the glove
I think sex is best
When you're in-love...



I've been reading "Sex Magic for Beginners " by Skye Alexander (a book about sexual transmutation), which I thought would be very sexual, but actually it's very metaphysical. Had I truly believed it was metaphysical, I would have already read it.
Anyway it discusses intention, writing to manifest, the power of words, even the effects of words on water. 
I am very impressed ( 6 chapters in ).

Yesterday I wrote Courtney a poem called "You Are Beautiful". It's strange but, he just walked out the door on to the balcony where I sat reading my book and asked "are you writing" I responded "no", and then he went back in. I smiled inside and grabbed my pencil and book to write and voila.

Each time I write
There is something inside me
That's always ready to criticize me
It always tells me "you can do better"
Which leaves me feeling dissatisfied
No matter how hard I tried

I'm not angry with my art
But I always thought
The best part was the feeling of fulfillment
Maybe I don't feel this
Because all of this is just practice
To get my feet
On fulfillment street

Well thanks I feel much better
I'll just continue without getting weary
One day the world will feel me
And I will feel fulfilled
These lines brought me much comfort
Thank you Source
All the praise is yours...


Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I marvel @ his beauty
His light shines so bright
And praise my creator
For our meeting that 1st night
He is always positive and driven
Utilizing what he's been given
Talented and courageous
Ready to defend what's his
His family, his country
Even those that oppose him

Loving and patient
His kindness knows no end
Genuine and thoughtful
And he's good to all his friends

I admire all these qualities
And hope the others will understand
Why I passed by them all
And gave my heart to this man...



Today my horoscope said: IF I CAN THINK OR SAY IT THEN I CAN HAVE IT. Then it said: Don't waste this ENERGY...
Hmm... What motivation. So I started writing my metaphysical commands again, immediately after reading that. I had slacked off since last year. The difference is evident in my life.
Well time to stop messing around and do what I do best. MANIFEST...
Sometimes the struggle and the troubles and friends turning to frienemies, can suck you dry and sap your energy. Which can cause you to embrace discouragement, depression and frustration even fear, but like Maya Angelou " I RISE", like Lauren Hill "I GET OUT OF ALL THOSE BOXES", like Martin Luther King "I HAVE A DREAM", and like Naruto Uzumaki "I WILL BE HOKAGE OF MY VILLAGE". Lol.
I am so grateful for the direction my creator is steering me in. Gladly I AM back in the flow of things...
Flowing gently with the stream.

I AM energized
to organize
And put my life back to rights
I have everything I need
To succeed
Right here @ my disposal
My mind is in tact
Like clean water
My body is in perfect health
Thanks to MIND
My creator
The children are in order
And my man is in my ear
Like "You can do it Girl
Me and you
We will conquer the world
Plus I can do anything
I set my mind to
Need I remind you...

-Moshia' Eva Powaful Pen.............

  Hope you like the daily ramblings of THE BROKEN BUTTERFLY on her way FROM BROKEN TO BEAUTIFUL.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Sexual arousal makes us very selfish.
Sometimes rude and downright offensive 
Not to mention expensive. 
It's a sensitive topic to discuss 
but we gon talk about it or bust. 
Let's rename it lust 
And stop tryn to be cute. 
When the front end lifts and hardens
May god pardon your soul
That's usually when shit gets outa control

Cuchies are a mess too
Evidenced by what some girls do
But not U girl
Them other ones
Who pretend to be angelic 
But use their twat to cause damage
To taunt and lure the weak one 
Who's already entangled... 
Hmm dirty pool my girl,
Now his home life has been dismantled
What a crying shame 
All in the name of lust

I refuse to allow this devious emotion 
To rule me 
And use my vagina to screw me 
I am a mf G
You aint know
You betta ask somebody
You can be too if you choose to be
Cause it's all about choices
So choose wisely 
Play nicely... 


Friday, June 8, 2012


Step forward into the light
Everything you are will be seen
Embrace your individuality
Wear your divinity with pride
Exuding confidence in every stride 
Hold your head high
There is only one you
Perfect in all dimensions
Just what your life required

Pay close attention to you
you are a marvelously exquisite creature
Each intricate detail
Took shape in the mind of the creator

We must step forth boldly
With polished talents at the ready
We all possess a special gift
To contribute as we grow
Fear is not an option
Boldly we must sew...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


It's hard to tolerate your insecurities
Though I have plenty
It's easy to complain
Even so, I wish you'd maintain
It's easy to lie to you
Though I require truth
But I love you
Here's proof
I spend so much time with you
And we're always making plans
I would die for you
Sell my soul
Lose my right hand
As long as you love me
All is well

Damn you don't believe me
when I lie so eloquently
And cover my tracks too
What's a man gotta do

He's impatient, irritable
Usually stressed
But he depends on me
For his happiness
Then why lie and cheat
This will undo me
Always trying  to creep out with Suzie
YOU don't love me or you
Otherwise you'd pay closer attention
To What YOU do... Hmmmm


How could I love you
When I hate you
How could I forgive you
When you persist
Every attempt to get along
You resist
Cease and desist
Love is wasted With good thoughts
And kind words
When happiness permeates
The vibration is yours
Breaking through my consciousness
With venomous force
Slashing through my resolve
Taking me off center
Giving love a bad rap
When all my energy you sap
You're a thief
A mental predator
An antagonist 
Tell me my sweet
Is it devil worship you practice
Or are you a confused Baptist 
You're love is bipolar
Leaving much to be desired 
You blood sucking vampire
You're fired                        

Dedicated to the sand paper that was my husband.
Thank you for rubbing me smooth...