Did you come inside me? I managed to ask patiently, plastering my poker face in place to hide the fact that he had just shook the foundation of my composure. Did the condom burst he asked lamely with an apologetic look on his face? I examined the blasted contraceptive device closely, only to find it had been destroyed. Utterly destroyed. Wow. Double wow. I ran to the shower and washed myself as my mind screamed " you have got to be f****** joking, you don't even know him, not like this". Well , I hope with everything inside me that sweet destiny brought me love and not destruction, especially since I waited so long AND we used a contraception. After my shower my fears had subsided a bit. We had discussed going for a check up together before our little sexcapade, but our appointment wasn't for a few days yet. And since he was already in me and I in him, we skipped the condom and pressed repeat. Got right back between the sheets and parlayed, made love all night until the sun came out to play. With my future hanging in the balance of uncertainty, There was only on thing I was certain of, Whatever this is, it better be love...
By Erica Freckleton
Did you come inside me? I managed to ask patiently, plastering my poker face in place to hide the fact that he had just shook the foundation of my composure. Did the condom burst he asked lamely with an apologetic look on his face? I examined the blasted contraceptive device closely, only to find it had been destroyed. Utterly destroyed. Wow. Double wow. I ran to the shower and washed myself as my mind screamed " you have got to be f****** joking, you don't even know him, not like this". Well , I hope with everything inside me that sweet destiny brought me love and not destruction, especially since I waited so long AND we used a contraception. After my shower my fears had subsided a bit. We had discussed going for a check up together before our little sexcapade, but our appointment wasn't for a few days yet. And since he was already in me and I in him, we skipped the condom and pressed repeat. Got right back between the sheets and parlayed, made love all night until the sun came out to play. With my future hanging in the balance of uncertainty, There was only on thing I was certain of, Whatever this is, it better be love...
By Erica Freckleton
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